Friday, May 14, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I went to a ear, nose and throat specialist about the dizzy spells. The doctor diagnosed me with Meniers disease, which in a nutshell is to much fluid in your inner ear. This results in major vertigo attacks. Well as part of the exam the Dr. ordered a MRI and mentioned that he wanted to make sure there were no "growths" on the audio nerves or inner ear. It took a moment for that to sink in, but it did especially since my father died of cancer that started in his sinus cavities, under his brain. Since the inner ear is tied into the sinus cavity, more than once the comparison crossed my mind as I waited for the MRI and the results. I have prayed that whatever the outcome was I would be able to deal with it, and God at least gave me a peace this week that enabled me to not dwell on this all the time.

Well the doctor's office called today and said everything was normal. No growths or abnormalities. What a relief. I praise God for the outcome, and I know that He would have walked with me had the findings been different. Now while I still am waiting on the results of the ENG(I think) balance testing, and will have to live with the Meniers, I am thankful that God has allowed the MRI to be clear.

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