Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Freedom to Bear Arms

While I have not listened to the President’s entire speech, this morning, the parts I have heard and what news I have read has left me more than concerned.  Several  times Mr. Obama mentions that all the legislation concerning guns will not affect hunters, collectors and shooters, and we as gun owners really have no need for military type/style weapons.  I strongly disagree!  The Second Amendment was never intended to be a “protection” for deer and duck hunters.  While I am 100% in support for hunting and sport shooting and have participated in both, the Second Amendment was written and intended to protect the American people from the government.  Not an outside government,  that is the purpose of our standing armed forces, but from our own government.  Mr. Obama has been very outspoken about support for Egypt, Libya and now Syrian rebels as they throw off their unjust rulers, and their use of actual military weapons in their struggle, yet wants to take away our weapons.  If for this reason only we as a people should be armed.  Many in Washington, including Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and many other, either have conceal carry permits or have armed body guards for themselves and or their families.  Most of Washington’s elites send their children to schools that have armed guards to protect their kids, yet these are the same legislators and elected officials that feel we and our families do not deserve the same protection they have.  It saddens me that this country has strayed so far away from what our founding fathers bled and died to achieve, the freedom our the American people.  

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