Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Jars of Clay

I know it has been a long time since posting to my blog, due to not having or making time to write, but I felt impressed to share this word. 

While reading in the book of Judges these last several days, God has impressed upon me several new insights into our walk with Him.  In Judges chapter 7 is a story that I have been told and read more times than I can count, but the Holy Spirit has shown me some new things.  The story is that of Gideon and the routing of the Midian army.  Greatly outnumbered, Gideon and his group of 300 men were given a great victory by the hand of God.
By the Hand of God….not themselves but God.  How many times have I been in fear or overwhelmed by the situation that I was in?  More than I want to admit and unfortunately most of those time I was trying to deal with the situation in my own strength and/or knowledge.  The whole chapter has taught me several lessons but one stands out.
Gideon was instructed to take his 300 men,  along with a clay jar, torch inside and a horn, and surround the Midianites.  At the appropriate time they broke the jars showing the torches and blew the horns.  God then routed the enemy without the Israelis doing much of anything else.  While I have no doubt Gideon’s men had weapons there is no mention of weapons other than the jug, torch and horns, at the initial engagement.

It struck me that God did not need their help, but wanted it, if it was on His terms.  Being obedient was God’s terms.  As I read in 2 Corinthians 4:7 it hit me.  That verse says “Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us”.  Paul is telling his readers that we have God’s grace and power, through the Holy Spirit, in our lives (clay jars) and it is there for us to be able to overcome our adverse situations, ie…our “Midianite Army”! 
Just as Gideon and his men faced overwhelming odds they obeyed, broke their clay jars and let the fire be seen.  I was reminded that I need to “break” my clay jar and let “the Spirits” fire be seen.  By showing this fire we are showing the world  that we can face ANY obstacle or situation that is in our path.  Paul tells us this in vs 7 and most importantly he told us “…this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us”.  Just as Gideon discovered, and something I have to remind myself of every moment of the day that it is God who works his plan in my life not me!! 

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